Long floorboards
Floorboards in lengths from four to six meters and widths up to 300mm are produced with patented technology and construction. They are easy to lay, have perfect geometry and are made from the highest quality raw materials.

Floorboards in lengths from four to six meters and widths up to 300mm are produced with patented technology and construction. They are easy to lay, have perfect geometry and are made from the highest quality raw materials.
Floor boards with 4.5mm oak top layer and 12mm waterproof birch plywood are made in widths from 210mm to 300mm. There are 5 surface classifications to choose from, depending on the number and size of the branches, sapwood and surface tone variations. The construction of the plywood sub-deck (FSA) gives the material a unique flexibility. The advantages of the material properties have been highly appreciated by parquet professionals in many countries.
Floor boards with a 3.2mm oak top layer and a 9mm water-resistant birch plywood underlay are made in widths from 130mm to 260mm. There are 5 different surface grades to choose from. The product is characterized by a good price-quality ratio. Since the product has a high density throughout the cross-section (750kg/m³ for oak top layer and 700kg/m³ for birch plywood) and its thickness is only 12mm, it is ideal for laying on heated floors.
Floor boards with a 3.2 mm oak top layer and a 9 mm moisture-resistant OSB/3 E0 class underlay are manufactured in a width from 100 mm to 210 mm. There are 5 different classifications to choose from. The product is characterized by the best price-quality ratio. Since the product has a high density throughout the cross-section (750kg/m³ for oak top layer and 620kg/m³ for OSB) and its thickness is only 12mm, it is well suited for laying on warm floors. The boards are intended for gluing to the base floor. Effiplank parquet has good sound insulation.
Solid oak floorboards are made from carefully dried sawn timber from Latvia. The width of solid wood boards is from 100mm to 160mm. They are available in 5 grades. It is a value created by nature that needs no explanation. There are no compromises in terms of ecology or environmental friendliness.
"Chevron" parquet, also known in Latvia as "French herringbone" parquet, is parquet with a straight connection line. In France, such parquet is called "Point de Hongrie". Customers are offered the opportunity to create both solid wood and two-layer glued parquet boards in a straight connection pattern, up to 300 mm wide and up to 3 meters long. The angle of the boards can be varied according to the customer's choice.
The most popular type of parquet pattern. In France, this pattern is called "chevron". In the herringbone pattern, the end joints are sawn at a right angle and the joint forms a broken line. It is possible to buy any of the Stalgen floorboards prepared for installation in a "herringbone" parquet pattern. More often, parquet boards with a width of up to 180 mm and a length of up to 1500 mm are laid in a herringbone pattern.
Skirting boards are an important element for a beautiful wooden floor. The baseboard is both a floor and a wall design element at the same time. You can order our skirting boards in the same shade as the floor. In addition to skirting boards, sound insulation material is available to tightly seal the seam between the radiant floor and the skirting, while providing sound insulation.
This is the most complicated type of parquet installation. Planed solid wood parquet boards with a width of 68mm and a thickness of 16mm are laid in various patterns. The surface finish is mostly done after laying the materials, but often the parquet floor elements already finished in the factory and assembled in patterns, which are created by gluing several parquet boards, are laid. When finishing such a floor after laying, parquet boards are only material in the hands of the master. The skills of the parquet installer determine the appearance of the floor after installation and finishing.
SIA Amber Wood concluded an agreement with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia on April 21, 2016, agreement no. SKV-L-2016/86, for support within the European Regional Development Fund program "Promotion of International Competitiveness".
SIA "AMBER WOOD" has concluded contract No. 17.2-5-L-2024/225 with the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) for the automation of the existing gluing equipment and the purchase of 2 positioning robots. The total cost of the project: EUR 217,250.43, while the funding of the Recovery Fund (AF) amounts to EUR 100,000.00.
SIA "AMBER WOOD" has entered into an agreement with the Joint Stock Company "Development Financial Institution Altum" (ALTUM) for the purchase and installation of roundwood sawing equipment with software. The total cost of the project: EUR 375,620.00, while the funding of the Recovery Fund (AF) amounts to EUR 131,467.00.